
Get started with the core concepts and workflow of Sealos DevBox

Welcome! Let's get started with Sealos DevBox!

To begin, you should familiarize yourself with the core components and features of the platform. The goal of this section is to guide you through the fundamental steps of creating, developing, releasing, and deploying your application using Sealos DevBox.

Core Components

ProjectA Project in Sealos DevBox is like an application stack, encapsulating everything needed for your application, including runtime environments and configurations.
Development EnvironmentThe cloud-based environment where you write and test your code, accessible through IDEs like Cursor.
ReleaseA versioned snapshot of your application, packaged as an OCI image for deployment.

The following pages will guide you through how to create and manage your Projects, develop your application, create releases, and deploy your application. They will also explain how to use the various features of Sealos DevBox to streamline your development workflow.

  1. Create a Project: Learn how to set up a new project in Sealos DevBox.
  2. Develop: Understand how to connect to your development environment and write code.
  3. Release: Learn how to package your application as an OCI image for deployment.
  4. Deploy: Discover how to deploy your application to Sealos Cloud.

By following these guides, you'll gain a solid understanding of the Sealos DevBox workflow, from initial project creation to final deployment.

If you prefer a quicker overview, check out our Quick Start Tutorial!

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