
Learn how to connect to PostgreSQL databases in Sealos DevBox using Rust

This guide will walk you through the process of connecting to a PostgreSQL database using Rust within your Sealos DevBox project.


Install Required Dependencies

In your Cursor terminal, add the necessary dependencies to your Cargo.toml file:

tokio = { version = "1.28", features = ["full"] }
sqlx = { version = "0.6", features = ["runtime-tokio-rustls", "postgres"] }
dotenv = "0.15"

These dependencies include:

  • tokio: An asynchronous runtime for Rust
  • sqlx: A database toolkit for Rust with async support
  • dotenv: A library for loading environment variables from a file

Connection Setup

Set up the environment variables

First, let's set up the environment variables for our database connection. Create a .env file in your project root with the following content:


Replace the placeholders with your actual PostgreSQL credentials from the Database app in Sealos.

Create the file

Create a new file named src/ with the following content:

use sqlx::postgres::PgPoolOptions;
use sqlx::Row;
use dotenv::dotenv;
use std::env;
async fn main() -> Result<(), sqlx::Error> {
    // Load environment variables from .env file
    // Get the database URL from the environment
    let database_url = env::var("DATABASE_URL").expect("DATABASE_URL must be set");
    // Create a connection pool
    let pool = PgPoolOptions::new()
    // Create the employees table if it doesn't exist
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employees (
            id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
            name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
            position VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
    println!("Table created successfully");
    // Insert a sample employee
    let new_employee = sqlx::query(
        INSERT INTO employees (name, position)
        VALUES ($1, $2)
        RETURNING id, name, position
    .bind("John Doe")
        "Inserted employee: ID: {}, Name: {}, Position: {}",
        new_employee.get::<i32, _>("id"),
        new_employee.get::<String, _>("name"),
        new_employee.get::<String, _>("position")
    // Query all employees
    let employees = sqlx::query("SELECT id, name, position FROM employees")
    println!("All employees:");
    for employee in employees {
            "ID: {}, Name: {}, Position: {}",
            employee.get::<i32, _>("id"),
            employee.get::<String, _>("name"),
            employee.get::<String, _>("position")

Let's break down the main components of this code:

  1. Imports: We import necessary modules from sqlx, dotenv, and std::env.

  2. Main function: The main function is marked with #[tokio::main] to use Tokio's async runtime.

  3. Environment setup: We load environment variables from the .env file and retrieve the database URL.

  4. Connection pool: We create a connection pool using PgPoolOptions.

  5. Table creation: We create the employees table if it doesn't exist.

  6. Data insertion: We insert a sample employee into the database.

  7. Data querying: We query and display all employees in the database.


To run the application, use the following command in your Cursor terminal:

cargo run

This will compile and execute the main function, demonstrating the connection to the database, table creation, data insertion, and querying.

Best Practices

  1. Use environment variables for database credentials.
  2. Use connection pooling for better performance and resource management.
  3. Use prepared statements (as demonstrated with sqlx::query) to prevent SQL injection.
  4. Handle errors appropriately using Rust's Result type.
  5. Use async/await for efficient database operations.


If you encounter connection issues:

  1. Verify your database credentials in the .env file.
  2. Ensure your PostgreSQL database is running and accessible.
  3. Check for any network restrictions in your DevBox environment.
  4. Confirm that all required dependencies are correctly specified in your Cargo.toml file.

For more detailed information on using PostgreSQL with Rust, refer to the sqlx documentation.

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