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Version: 5.0.0

App Launchpad

App Launchpad is a feature within Sealos that serves as a single-image deployment tool. Its main goal is to streamline and expedite the process of deploying applications, allowing you to launch your application in as little as 5 minutes.

The tool currently boasts a range of functionalities:

  • Capability to deploy applications using private images.
  • Flexibility to tailor CPU and memory resources according to the specific needs of the application.
  • Support for deploying multiple replicas.
  • Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) for dynamic scaling.
  • Provision of external URLs for easy access from the public network.
  • Option to assign custom domain to applications, enhancing both brand visibility and the user experience.
  • Utilization of ConfigMap for configuration file management.
  • Persistent storage solutions for application data, ensuring both its security and continuity.
  • Real-time monitoring features for applications and Pods to facilitate prompt issue detection and resolution.
  • Comprehensive logging of application activities, aiding in troubleshooting and performance optimization.
  • Analysis of system events (Events) to extract critical insights for enhancing application performance.
  • A convenient one-click feature to access the container terminal, simplifying management and debugging tasks.
  • Ability to expose several ports of an application to the external network.

Quick Start

For quick and easy installation of commonly utilized applications.

Update Application

Guidance on modifying application configurations after initial deployment.

Add a domain

Instructions for integrating a custom domain with your application.

Exposing Multiple Ports

Details on how to make multiple ports of an application accessible externally.


Directions for configuring applications through the use of environment variables.


Guidelines for setting up application configurations via configuration files.


Strategy for autoscaling the number of application instances in response to varying workloads.

Persistent Volume

Utilizing persistent storage for the long-term preservation of data.